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building bodies

one size does not fit all…


Building Bodies

Building upon reflections from a series of moderated conversations held by the curatorial research collective in Spring 2021, Building Bodies explores a more differentiated spectrum of measures for the greater number… and to whom one size does not fit all.

Throughout history architecture has used the measure of man as the key to spatial design. This idealization of a predominantly male human form has historically derived from a connected web of beliefs stemming from Antiquity throughout Modernity, and continues to form the mathematical and diagrammatic basis for generating architectural space today. 


 Architects seem content to keep navigating on the mutable waters of the universality that these measures offer. By invoking the Vitruvian man, Le Corbusier’s Modulor or Neufert’s Bauentwurfslehre, architecture is less a container for the differentiated bodies which make up our global societies, than an aspect of that idealized image of one body transformed through space… the ideal European male body. 


 Building bodies attempts to confront the arbitrariness of architecture’s continued proliferation, and the increasingly loosening threads, of a measure of universal design.



October 16 - 24, 2021


Klokgebouw / DDW Class of 2021


Sergio M. Figueiredo

Ali T. As’ad

Emilie Banville

Michael Forero Parra

Jorn Konijn

Simon Rabyniuk

Vincent van Spaendonk

Saskia van Stein


Dutch Design Week



DDW 2021

Project page