
open for discussion

how can architecture become more diverse and inclusive?


Open for Discussion: For a Diverse and Inclusive architecture

Research upon research and survey after survey seem to confirm what is easily observable in most architecture schools and practices today: architecture persistently has a problem with diversity and representation.

As contemporary societies have come to increasingly acknowledge and embrace their diversity, the continued lack of representation and visibility in the realm of architecture must be addressed and questioned. Such scrutiny should not only attempt to understand these systemic conditions but also, and more importantly, to propose and develop possible solutions.

Firmly grounded in the Dutch context, the CRC’s 2021 talk series interrogated the particular conditions affecting architecture schools, professional practice, as well as the built environment. By reviving decades-old conversations and daring to imagine transformation beyond analysis, the CRC hoped to break through the impasse of what has been too often described as a veritable “circle of blame” and the surging trend towards righting injustices.



May 17 - July 2, 2021


TU Eindhoven


Sergio M. Figueiredo

Justin Agyin

Ali T. As’ad

Emilie Banville

Michael Forero Parra

Jorn Konijn

Vincent van Spaendonk

Saskia van Stein


CASA Vertigo




Learning from Others, the opening talk of this series, focused on what architecture can learn from the precedent established or negotiated within other disciplines and fields of practice. Specifically addressing how to begin such a conversation and what strategies can be used to affect change. Sjaron Minailo and Adeola Enigbokan were the guest speakers for this conversation moderated by Sergio M. Figueiredo.



Teaching Otherwise focused on the systemic changes required in order to ensure, enable and eventually empower towards a more diverse and inclusive understanding of gender and sexuality within architectural education; specifically addressing new methods and strategies for learning and teaching differently. Lara Schrijver and Aaron Betsky were the guest speakers for this conversation moderated by Saskia van Stein.



Reframing Architecture Education focused on diversity as an invitation to question the frames of reference on which architecture education is based, specifically addressing strategies and methods of teaching to understand architecture from a multitude of ethnic and cultural perspectives. Nathalie Frankowski and Pnina Avidar were the guest speakers for this conversation moderated by Justin Agyin.



Queering Architecture focused on diverse practices and strategies which integrate different gender perspectives and reflections on dissident sexualities in the architecture profession. Adam Nathaniel Furman and Setareh Noorani were the guest speakers for this conversation moderated by Michael Andrés Forero Parra.



From SuperDutch to Superdiversity focused on notions of identity and/or cultural, racial, and national representation within the field of architecture; specifically addressing the resounding impacts of "superdutchness" in the Dutch context. Félix Madrazo and Lada Hrsak were the guest speakers for this conversation moderated by Emilie Banville.



From Micro-histories to Futurist Potentialities focused on scholarship and documentation practices which recognize the gendered and queer mediation of everyday experiences that have manifested, coexisted, and negotiated the built environment. Lucas LaRochelle and Roberto Perez Gayo were the guest speakers for this conversation moderated by Ali T. As’ad.



Identity and the Neutral Framework focused on the ways in which the cultural and ethnic backgrounds of inhabitants or dwellers are translated within the built environment, specifically addressing the neighborhood of Amsterdam Zuid-Oost, better known as De Bijlmer. Wouter Pocornie and Jeroen Geurst were the guest speakers for this conversation moderated by Jorn Konijn.



Coming Together, the closing talk for Open for Discussion attempted a reflection of the various themes and perspectives discussed throughout the series as framed by the findings of a (quantitative) research report prepared for the Chief Government Architect of the Netherlands (Rijksbouwmeester) on the state of diversity and inclusion in Dutch architectural practice. Chief Government Architect Floris Alkemade as well as the researchers Robert Kloosterman and Suzan van Kempen werethe guest speakers for this conversation moderated by Saskia van Stein.