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We want to understand the ways of architecture culture…



Research is a central element for the CRC and its activities. It is our continuous engagement with research that provides us with the opportunity to not only understand, but also engage with architecture culture.


The CRC has been involved in several research projects. All of them have aimed to uncover how architecture is communicated and disseminated across society, that is, how architecture engages with a wide audience. Furthermore, the results of these projects aim to also contribute to the discussion by remaining open and available to everyone to both academia and the general public.


While our most recent research projects have focused on architecture exhibitions, these have been approached as microhistory projects (as proposed by Carlo Ginzburg), in which the investigation of architecture exhibitions was intended to develop a better grasp of a larger and wider phenomenon. Basically, by looking at architecture exhibitions we can understand the very conditions and societal frameworks shaping architecture discourse and practice. In this way, exhibitions become important critical instruments to uncover architecture’s ever-changing intellectual project(s).


Exhibitions, however, are but one instrument of architecture culture, and we aim to broaden our research to explore many others.


And the Rest is History… On the Archival Representation of Women Architects

doctoral project


Single European Sky: The Architecture of U-Space

doctoral project


Self-Help Housing: Incremental Approaches to Shelter since 1965

doctoral project


Theorizing Archivology:

An Inquiry into the Curation of Architectural Archives

Doctoral Project


From Handbook to Help Desk: Software Knowledge and Architectural Practice

doctoral project


Exhibiting Architecture at the Modern Art Museum of Bogota, 1983-1995

doctoral project


The Ball I Threw:

The Exhibitions of Aldo and Hannie van Eyck

doctoral project


1990s (Dutch) Architecture Revisited

research project


The Architecture Biennale Wiki

digital database


OASE 99: The Architecture Museum Effect

Journal special issue


The Taxonomy of Architecture Exhibitions

research project


Eindhoven School Revisited

research project


The NAi Effect: Creating Architecture Culture



CityPlan Eindhoven

Revisiting an exhibition


The NAi in Exhibitions

digital database